About us


Olga Kordas

Olga Kordas

Group leader

I am a Director of KTH Energy Platform, responsible for facilitating interdisciplinary energy research at KTH and enhancing collaboration with funding institutions, industry, local authorities and other societal stakeholders in Sweden and internationally.
Since the beginning of 2015, I am KTH’s coordinator of STandUP for Energy – a collaboration initiative between Uppsala University, KTH, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Luleå University of Technology, which brings together leading research groups to enable sustainability transition of the energy system.

Since 2001, I am a researcher at the Division of Industrial Ecology (IE), Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Sciences and Engineering (SEED), KTH.
I am a co-founder and a leader of a new research group called “Urban Analytics and Transitions” (UrbanT) with two main research areas – Smart Urban Metabolism (SUM) and Transdisciplinary studies for urban transitions (TRUST).
My main research areas are complex system simulation, energy system analysis, participatory backcasting for strategic energy planning, and engineering education in sustainable development.

I am a KTH’s programme coordinator for the KIC InnoEnergy Master program in Smart Cities.

Selected publications
  • Kordas, O., Liu, G., Ulgiati, S., 2017. Energy and urban systems. Applied Energy 186 (2), 83-85. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.10.112 

  • Pereverza, K., Pasichnyi, O., Lazarevic, D., Kordas, O., 2017. Strategic planning for sustainable heating in cities: a morphological method for scenario development and selection. Applied Energy 186(2). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.07.008

  • Zivkovic, M., Pereverza, K., Pasichnyi, O., Madzarevic, A., Ivezic, D., Kordas, O., 2016. Exploring scenarios for more sustainable heating: the case of Niš, Serbia. Energy 115(3). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2016.06.034

  • Pasichnyi, O., Wallin, J., Levihn, F., Shahrokni, H, Kordas, O., 2017. Energy Performance Certificates — new opportunities for data-enabled urban energy policy instruments? Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Workshop on Advances in Energy Studies, Naples.

  • Pasichnyi, O., Wallin, J., Shahrokni, H., Kordas, O., 2017. Data-driven building archetypes’ generation for urban building energy modelling. Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Workshop on Advances in Energy Studies, Naples.

  • Mörtberg U., Goldenberg, R., Kalantari, Z., Kordas, O., Deal, B., Balfors, B., Cvetkovic, V. 2017. Integrating ecosystem services in the assessment of urban energy trajectories – A study of the Stockholm Region. Energy Policy 100: 338-349. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2016.09.031

David Lazarevic

David Lazarevic


I am a Senior Researcher at the Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, and I also have a part-time reserach position at KTH – Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. I have a background in industrial ecology (PhD in Industial Ecology) and science and technology studies (PhD in Interdisciplinary Studies in Sustainable Development) and broad international experience having worked in Australia, France, Sweden and Finland.

Since 2009, I have been working at the interface between industrial ecology, science and technology studies, and waste and innovation policy. My research interests are centred on the legitimacy of processes in social coordination, the processes of socio-technical change toward more sustainable energy and material flows, and policy analysis applied the circular and bio economy.

Selected publications
  • Kangas, H-L., Lazarevic, D., Kivimaa, P. 2018. Technical skills, disinterest and non-functional regulation: Barriers to building energy efficiency in Finland viewed by energy service companies. Energy Policy. 114C: 63-76. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2017.11.060
  • Antikainen, R., Lazarevic, D., Seppälä, J. 2018. Circular economy: Origins and Future Orientations. in Lehmann, H. Factor X . Challenges, Implementation Strategies and Examples for a Sustainable Use of Natural Resources. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-50079-9_7
  • Kivimaa, P., Kangas, H-L., Lazarevic, D. 2017. Client-oriented evaluation of ‘creative destruction’ in policy mixes: Finnish policies on building energy efficiency transition. Energy Research and Social Science. 33: 115-127. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2017.09.002
  • Lazarevic, D. and Valve, H. 2017. Narrating expectations for the circular economy: towards a common and contested European transition. Energy Research and Social Science. 31: 60-69.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2017.05.006
  • Lazarevic, D. and Martin, M. 2016. Life cycle assessments, carbon footprints and carbon visions: Analysing environmental systems analyses of transportation biofuels in Sweden. Journal of Cleaner Production. 137: 249-257. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.07.075
  • Franzese, P.P., Lazarevic, D., Reddy, S. 2016. Energy and Urban Systems. Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management. 4(2): 101-103. https://doi.org/10.5890/JEAM.2016.06.001   
  • Lazarevic, D. 2016. The legitimacy of life cycle assessment in the waste management sector. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11367-015-0884-9
  • Shahrokni‎, H., Årman, L., Lazarevic, D., Nilsson, A., Brandt, N. 2015. Implementing Smart Urban Metabolism in the Stockholm Royal Seaport: Smart City SRS. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 19(5): 917-929. https://doi.org/10.1111/jiec.12308
  • Shahrokni‎, H., Lazarevic, D., Brandt, N. 2015. Smart Urban Metabolism: Toward a Real-time Understanding of the Energy and Material Flows of City and its Citizens. Journal of Urban Technology,22(1): 65-86. https://doi.org/10.1080/10630732.2014.954899
  • Buclet, N. and Lazarevic, D. 2015. Principles for sustainability: the need to shift to a sustainable conventional regime. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 17(1):83-100.https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-014-9539-4
  • Laurenti, R., Lazarevic, D., Poulikidou, S., Montrucchio, V., Bistagnino, L., Frostell, B. 2014. Group Model-Building to identify potential sources of environmental impacts outside the scope of LCA studies. Journal of Cleaner Production. 72(1 June): 96-109. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.03.001
Fabian Levihn

Fabian Levihn

Postdoctoral research fellow

I am R&D Manager at Stockholm Exergi and also a part-time research fellow at the Department of Industrial Economics and Management at KTH. Stockholm Exergi is the largest energy utility in Stockholm and operates one of the most advanced urban multi-energy systems in the world.

I have a background with a master in mechanical engineering and a PhD in Industrial Economics an Management where I focused on least cost integrated planning models in an energy/climate change context. Today I research techno-economic systems, in particular how increased renewables affect energy markets, and the conditions for bioenergy CCS.

Selected publications
  • Dimoulkas, I., Amelin, M., Levihn, F. 2017. ”District heating system operation in power systems with high share of wind power”. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, vol. 5, pp. 850-862.
  • Levihn, F. 2017. “CHP and heat pumps to balance renewable power production: Lessons from the district heating network in Stockholm”. Energy, vol. 137, pp. 670-678.
  • Levihn, F. 2016. “On the problem of optimizing through least cost per unit, when costs are negative: Implications for cost curves and the definition of economic efficiency”. Energy, vol. 114, pp. 1155-1163.
  • Sandell, U., Levihn, F., 2016. “From Products to Solution: Issues of Strategic Alignment”. Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, vol. 23, pp. 207-219.
  • Levihn, F., Nuur, C., 2016. “Co-benefits of primary energy conservation, reduced emissions and costs through biomass and waste incineration chp in district heating”. International Journal of Energy Production and Management, vol. 1, pp. 87-96.
  • Levihn, F., 2015. Investments, system dynamics, energy management, and policy: a solution to the metric problem of bottom up supply curves. PhD Dissertation, KTH. Levihn, F., Nuur, C., Laestadius, S., 2014. ”Marginal abatement cost curves and abatement strategies: taking option interdependency and investments unrelated to climate change into account”. Energy, vol. 76, pp. 336-344.
  • Sharokni, H., Levihn, F., Brandt, N., 2014. ”Big meter data analysis of the energy efficiency potential in Stockholm’s building stock”. Energy and Buildings, vol. 78, pp. 153-164.
  • Levihn, F., Nuur, C., 2014. “Biomass and waste incineration CHP: the co-benefits of primary energy savings, reduced emissions and costs”. WIT – Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, vol. 190, pp. 127-138.
  • Levihn, F., 2014. “CO2 emissions accounting: Whether, how, and when different allocation methods should be used”. Energy, vol. 68, pp. 811-818.
  • Levihn, F., Nuur, C., Blomgren H., 2011. “Corporate response to climate change mitigation: What can we learn from annual reports of European industries?”. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, vol. 2, pp. 77-86.
Aram Mäkivierikko

Aram Mäkivierikko

PhD candidate

I am a PhD candidate at the Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Sciences and Engineering (SEED).
The aim of my PhD research is to design and evaluate methods of increasing the environmental and social sustainability in neighbourhoods using ICT. More specifically, I am studying how the introduction of LocalLife, a local social network, can be used to increase the local sustainability. The research includes:
– to design a way of measuring social sustainability on household and neighbourhood level, and using it to measure the effects of introducing the local social network in a neighbourhood.
– to design energy feedback within the context of a local social network, and to evaluate its effectiveness in terms of increased environmental awareness and behaviour change towards increased sustainability among the residents

My background is M.Sc. in Energy Systems Engineering and B.Sc. in Computer Science, both from Uppsala University.

Selected publications
  • Mäkivierikko, A., Shahrokni, H. and Kordas, O., 2017. Overcoming the Engagement Barrier in Demand-Side Management Using Social Influence. In: BIWAES 2017 – 10th Biennial International Workshop Advances in Energy Studies.
Marco Molinari

Marco Molinari


I am researcher at the Department of Energy Technology, KTH. I earned my M.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering, Padua University, in 2006. The thesis, developed within the Erasmus program at the Fraunhofer Institut für Bauphysik, Kassel, dealt with energy efficiency and management in buildings. I earned my PhD in 2012 with a thesis focused on the use of exergy and parametric analysis in the built environment at the division of Division of Building Technology, KTH, and from 2013 until the end of 2016 I have been postdoc and researcher at the ACCESS Linnaeus Centre, KTH Department of Automatic Control.

I actively participated in three international research projects and have been a main contributor to the International Energy Agency ECBCS Annex 49 final guidebook, “Detailed Exergy Assessment Guidebook for the Built Environment”. I am author of several scientific articles and I am in the editorial board of International Review of Applied Sciences and Engineering. I have been supervisor of several theses in the field of low energy buildings design, energy management and conservation in the built environment and in buildings’ controls.

My research interests focus on smart buildings and on the integration of Information and Communication Technologies in the built environment, including energy monitoring and deployment of advanced control approaches, as well as on passive techniques and integrated design for low energy buildings.

Selected publications
  • M. Molinari, A. Lazzarotto, F. Björk, The Application of the Parametric Analysis for Improved Energy Design of a Ground Source Heat Pump for Residential Buildings, Energy and Buildings, 63, 119-128, 2013.
  • N.W.O. Brown, T. Malmqvist, W. Bai, M. Molinari, Sustainability Assessment of Renovation Packages for Increased Energy Efficiency for Multi-family Buildings in Sweden, Building and Environment, 61, 140-148, 2013.
  • G. A. Johannesson, M. Molinari, Exergy Analysis of Single- and Multi-Step Thermal Processes, Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 59, 1384-1391, 2012.
  • A. Müller, L. Kranzl, P. Tuominen, E. Boelman, M. Molinari, A.G. Entrop, Estimating Exergy Prices for Energy Carriers in Heating Systems: Country Analyses of Exergy Substitution with Capital Expenditures, Energy and Buildings, 43, 3609–3617, 2011.
Anders Nilsson

Anders Nilsson

PhD candidate

I am a PhD Candidate at the Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Sciences and Engineering (SEED).
My research focuses on sustainable residential energy consumption, investigating the effectiveness of intervention strategies targeting changes in household energy consumption behavior for increased energy system sustainability. I am currently involved in several research projects (e.g. GrowSmarter, InteGrid) and since 2014, I have been working in a large-scale smart grid-demand response program in the Stockholm Royal Seaport, The Smart Energy City, studying the impact on energy behaviour among 150 households living in smart homes with home energy management systems.
I hold M.Sc. in Sustainable Technology from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, with international experiences from studies at the Department of Environmental Engineering at the Technische Universität (TU) in Berlin and the Renewable & Appropriate Energy Laboratory (RAEL) at the University of California, Berkeley.
Selected publications
  • Nilsson, A., Lazarevic, D., Kordas, O., Brandt, N., 2017. Influencing Household Energy Consumption: The Active House in Stockholm Royal Seaport. Book of Proceedings of the International Workshop “Advances in Energy Studies”, Naples, Italy, September 25-28, 2017.
  • Nilsson, A., Brandt, N., 2016. Proposing an Hourly Dynamic Wind Signal as an Environmental Incentive for Demand Response. Advances and New Trends in Environmental Informatics. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-44711-7_13
  • AlSkaif, T., Guerrero Zapata, M., Bellalta, B., Nilsson, A., 2016. A Distributed Power Sharing Framework Among Households in Microgrids: A Repeated Game Approach. Computing, July 2016. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00607-016-0504-y
  • Nilsson, A., Stoll, P., Brandt, N., 2015. Assessing the impact of real-time price visualization on residential electricity consumption, costs, and carbon emissions. Journal of Resources, Conservation & Recycling. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2015.10.007
  • Shahrokni, H., Årman, L., Lazarevic, D., Nilsson, A., Brandt, N., 2015. Implementing Smart Urban Metabolism in the Stockholm Royal Seaport: Smart City SRS. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 19: 917–929. https://doi.org/10.1111/jiec.12308
Oleksii Pasichnyi

Oleksii Pasichnyi

PhD candidate

Selected publications
  • Pereverza, K., Pasichnyi, O., Lazarevic, D., Kordas, O., 2017. Strategic planning for sustainable heating in cities: a morphological method for scenario development and selection. Applied Energy 186(2). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.07.008

  • Zivkovic, M., Pereverza, K., Pasichnyi, O., Madzarevic, A., Ivezic, D., Kordas, O., 2016. Exploring scenarios for more sustainable heating: the case of Niš, Serbia. Energy 115(3). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2016.06.034

  • Pasichnyi, O., Wallin, J., Levihn, F., Shahrokni, H, Kordas, O., 2017. Energy Performance Certificates — new opportunities for data-enabled urban energy policy instruments? Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Workshop on Advances in Energy Studies, Naples.

  • Pasichnyi, O., Wallin, J., Shahrokni, H., Kordas, O., 2017. Data-driven building archetypes’ generation for urban building energy modelling. Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Workshop on Advances in Energy Studies, Naples.

Kateryna Pereverza

Kateryna Pereverza


I am a researcher at the Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Sciences and Engineering (SEED), KTHI’m exploring approaches for transformative systems changes for sustainability in close collaboration with societal partners through the transdisciplinary research design. I have refined the modular Participatory backcasting (mPB) toolbox and currently studying the emerging portfolio approaches for steering urban transitions to climate-neutrality. I’m open to experimentation with innovative ways to learn and facilitate learning in collaboration with others.

I have an interdisciplinary background with a PhD in Industrial Ecology (KTH Royal Institute of Technology – Sweden), a Master’s Degree in Social Informatics (IASA, National Technical University of Ukraine “KPI” – Ukraine) and a Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Mathematics (IASA, National Technical University of Ukraine “KPI” – Ukraine). I also gained an extensive project management experience of social innovations (I have co-founded and successfully developed for 10 years a multidisciplinary international summer school AACIMP).

I have defended my PhD thesis “Steering sustainability transitions? Modular participatory backcasting for strategic planning in the heating and cooling sector” in April 2019. My PhD study was based on two full-scale participatory backcasting projects implemented in cities of Ukraine and Serbia and aimed at strategic planning towards more sustainable heating and cooling systems by the year 2050. Since 2019 I’m collaborating with the Swedish Strategic Innovation programme “Viable Cities” to explore how they design and implement transformative innovation policy to support cities in achieving climate-neutrality by 2030.

Since 2016 I am developing and teaching AL2115 “Transdisciplinary Approaches for System Innovations” course for students of KIC InnoEnergy master program “Energy for Smart Cities”. I also teach backcasting and scenario methods as a part of MJ2673 “Research Methodology and Theory of Science” course in KTH.

Selected publications
  • Pereverza, K., Pasichnyi, O., Kordas, O., 2019. Modular participatory backcasting: A unifying framework for strategic planning in the heating sector. Energy Policy 124, pp. 123-134. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2018.09.027
  • Bögel, P., Pereverza, K., Upham, P., Kordas, O., 2019. Linking socio-technical transition studies and organisational change management: Steps towards an integrative, multi-scale heuristic. J. Clean. Prod. 232. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.05.286
  • Pereverza, K., Pasichnyi, O., Lazarevic, D., Kordas, O., 2017. Strategic planning for sustainable heating in cities: a morphological method for scenario development and selection. Applied Energy 186(2). http://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.07.008 
Olena Tatarchenko

Olena Tatarchenko

Research engineer

Olena Tatarchenko, obtained Master’s Degree in Sustainable Technologies from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden in 2011 and has been employed at KTH as Research Engineer since 2012. Previously Olena was involved in research and administration of several international projects like CLUE – Climate Neutral Urban Districts in Europe, ENEF – Central Baltic Cooperation in Energy Efficiency and Feasibility in Urban Planning, and Alive and KICing – Products and Services of Living Smart City Energy Lab
. Currently she works as an administrator of KTH Energy Platform, Mistra SAMS Research Programme and EIT InnoEnergy Master’s Programme Energy for Smart Cities.

Guest scholars

Paula Maria Bögel

Paula Maria Bögel

Postdoctoral research fellow

My interdisciplinary research focuses on the social-psychology of human behaviour in the context of sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR). This includes the micro-level, e.g. consumers’ reactions towards sustainability communication and its implications for sustainable consumption, the macro-level, e.g. employees’ participation in CSR and the macro-level, e.g. the role of individuals in socio-technical transitions for a sustainable development. In my empirical studies, I use qualitative, quantitative and mixed-methods.

I hold a B.Sc. in business psychology and a M.A. in management & marketing. For the last four years, I have worked at a research assistant at the University of Lüneburg and the University of Göttingen. In Spring 2016 I was visiting researcher the Catholic University of Zagreb. Since January 2017, I work as post-doc at the Chair of Human Behaviour and Sustainable Development (Prof. Dr. Paul Upham). Our research group focuses on the Social Psychology of Socio-Technical Transitions for Sustainability. 

Selected publications
  • Bögel, P. M. (2016): Company Reputation and Its Influence on Consumer Trust in Response to Ongoing CSR Communication, Journal of Marketing Communications, online first, available at https://doi.org/10.1080/13527266.2016.1166146
  • Hetze, K., Bögel, P. M., Glock, Y. & Bekmeier-Feuerhahn, S. (2016): Online-CSR-Kommunikation: Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede börsennotierter Unternehmen in der DACH-Region. UmweltWirtschaftaForum, 24 (2), 223-236.
  • Bögel, P. M. (2015): Processing of CSR communication: Insights from the ELM, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 20 (2), 128-143.
En stadsdel för forskning

En stadsdel för forskning

Norra Djurgårdsstaden i Stockholm växer fram sakta men säkert. Hållbarhetsprofilen har lockat till sig ett stort antal forsknings- och utvecklingsprojekt. Byggindustrin lyfter i detta nummer fram några av dem.

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Matematikern och morgondagens städer

Matematikern och morgondagens städer

Hon är matematikern som styr upp en gigantisk innovationssatsning kring framtidens städer. Den ska inte bara ge banbrytande innovationer som bidrar till att göra våra städer mer hållbara. Den ska även förbättra samverkan och erfarenhetsutbytet över gränserna.

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Smarta lägenheter får folk att byta beteende

Smarta lägenheter får folk att byta beteende

Listiga elnät och smarta lägenheter låter både spännande och intressanta, men fram till idag har de i mångt och mycket varit skrivbordsprodukter. KTH-forskaren Anders Nilsson ska ändra på det i ett fyra år långt forskningsprojekt i stadsdelen Norra Djurgårdsstaden i Stockholm. Han kommer att studera hur de boende använder den nya tekniken i praktiken och hur deras beteenden förändras i den smarta lägenheten.

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Doktorander i Kina löser energigåta

Doktorander i Kina löser energigåta

Under två veckor träffas drygt 60 doktorander och ett antal lärare i en sino-europeisk doktorandskola.
Med gemensamma krafter letar man lösningar till hur Kina ska bli koldioxidneutralt till år 2040.

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